Course overview

Course description

Introduction to statistics as a science of understanding and analyzing data. Themes include data collection, exploratory analysis, inference, and modeling. Focus on principles underlying quantitative research in social sciences, humanities, and public policy. Research projects teach the process of scientific discovery and synthesis and critical evaluation of research and statistical arguments. Readings give perspective on why in 1950, S. Wilks said, ‘Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary a qualification for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.’

Prerequisites: none.

Class meetings

Meeting Location Time Staff
Lectures Social Sciences 139 Tue, Thu 03:05 PM - 04:20 PM John Z
Lab 1 Perkins LINK 087 (Classroom 3) Fri 10:05 AM - 11:20 AM John G, Camilla
Lab 2 Perkins LINK 087 (Classroom 3) Fri 11:45 AM - 01:00 PM Katie, Meghna
Lab 3 Perkins LINK 087 (Classroom 3) Fri 01:25 PM - 02:40 PM Leah, Nichole
Lab 4 Perkins LINK 087 (Classroom 3) Fri 08:30 AM - 09:45 AM Benjamin, Sayali

For reasons unknown to rational people, the labs are not exactly numbered in chronological order. “Lab 4” is in fact the first one of the day.